2023-2024 Members
Committee Leadership (Voting)
Sandra Haudek, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Medicine
Anna Rueda, M.D., Vice-Chair
Department of Pediatrics
Appointed Members (Voting)
Doris Kung, D.O., FAAN, Sub-Internship/Clerkship Subcommittee Chair
Department of Neurology
Anita Kusnoor, M.D., Sub-Internship/Clerkship Subcommittee Vice-Chair
Department of Medicine
Sharon Plon, M.D., Ph.D., Dual Degrees and Pathways Subcommittee Chair
Department of Pediatrics
David Rowley, Ph.D., Foundational Sciences Subcommittee Chair
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Cara Foldes, M.D, MPH, Foundational Sciences Subcommittee Vice-Chair
Department of Medicine
Lauren Blieden, M.D., Electives Subcommittee Chair
Department of Ophthalmology
At-Large Faculty (Voting)
Beth Scholz, M.D.
Department of Rheumatology
Catherine Daniel, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Donna Huang, M.D.
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Joanna Stacey, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Kristy Rialon, M.D.
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Nalini Ram, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Marcus Hoffman, M.D., FACS
Department of Surgery
Muhammad Adrish, M.D.
Department of Medicine
Roma Patel, M.D.
Department of Ophthalmology
Sarah Blutt, M.D.
Department of Molecular Virology & Microbiology
Scott Leikin, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology
Medical Students (One vote per class)
MS1 Student Representatives will be appointed in January 2024.
- Brian Tighe, MS2
- Nabor Mireles, MS2
- Dale Shepherd, MS3
- Ihika Rampalli, MS3
- Kristiana Nasto, MS4
- Madeleine Tomlinson, MS4
- Nicole Wang, Dual-Degree Representative (M.D/MBA)
- Thomas Gebert, Dual- Degree Representative (M.D./Ph.D.)
Ex-Officio Members (Non-voting)
Jennifer Christner, M.D.
Senior Dean, School of Medicine & School of Health Professions
Nadia Ismail, M.D., M.Ed., M.P.H.
Vice Dean, School of Medicine
Steve Charles, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Curriculum (Temple)
Penelope Holland-Barkis, M.D.
Director, Clinical Education (Temple)
Stephanie DeSandro, M.S., PA-C
School of Health Professions
Anne Gill, Dr.PH., M.S., R.N.
Assistant Dean of Interprofessional Education
Jesus Vallejo, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean, Admissions
Sherita Love
Executive Director, Education, Innovation & Technology
Lara Ouelette
TMC Library
Anita Rohra, M.D.
Executive Director, Simulation and Standardized Patient Program
Kelly Poszywak, M.S.
Executive Director, Simulation Core
E. Lee Poythress, M.D.
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Joel Robles, Ph.D.
Assistant Director, Evaluation and Assessment (Temple)
Antonie Rice, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Education & Student Affairs, National School of Tropical Medicine
Andrea Stolar, M.D.
Senior Associate Dean, Student Affairs