
Baylor resumes normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Supporting Diverse Mentees and Promoting Inclusion: Resources for Research Faculty Mentors


Challenges can arise from the effects of diversity in interpersonal relationships. Becoming more aware of how racial, ethnic, or other differences may influence the mentee’s research experiences and how to mentor with an appreciation for those differences in an authentic way can improve your mentoring effectiveness.


Increase Awareness of Your Unconscious Biases:

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Magnifying glass over the word Bias printed on a piece of paper.

Become more aware of your own implicit biases and of effective bias-reduction strategies and acknowledge bias when it occurs.


Implicit Bias: NIH site with information and in-depth training on implicit bias produced by the Chief Officer for the Scientific Workforce Diversity at the NIH The Impact of Unconscious Bias in Healthcare: How to Recognize and Mitigate It: Journal article describing strategies to help recognize and mitigate unconscious bias and create an equitable environment in healthcare, including the field of infectious diseases.


Develop Awareness of and Approaches for Managing Microaggressions

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Drawing of two people with one yelling and the other with their finger on their lips to show quiet.

Often unintentional and subtle, be aware of interactions and behaviors that communicate bias towards marginalized groups.


  • Microaggressions: Resources, information, and additional training from the University of Colorado Boulder Center for Teaching & Learning
  • Microaggressions and Micro-Affirmations: Resources, information, and additional training from the Brown University’s Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning

Develop Awareness for how Implicit Bias can Affect Letters of Recommendation and Evaluation of Candidates

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A person holding a stamp with the words "recommendation" on it.

Learn how to write and read letters that are less biased and more equitable.



Have Discussions About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Science and Research

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A series of post-it note papers with images of people drawn on them.

Academia and science both shape and are shaped by individuals and society. Creating opportunities for you and your mentees to have conversations around DEI in the context of your research team can develop a culture of inclusivity that supports your mentees and all members of your research team.


  • Talking about Race and Inequity in Science - Guide for Faculty: The University of California San Francisco developed this guide for the Graduate Faculty Development Program offering advice, approaches, and other considerations for how faculty can engage in discussions around race and inequities with their research team.

Consider the Unique Challenges International Students Face

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A small globe with a graduation cap sitting on top of a book.

Consider and discuss the challenges international students face during their training and in planning for future career interests.
