About the Core
The Tissue Culture Lab provides a shared resource with instrumentation and expertise to support the establishment and maintenance of cell cultures as invitro models for a variety of tissues.
The resource is comprised of three shared laboratory spaces that are maintained exclusively for cell culture work. There are two smaller laboratories that each have two biological safety cabinets, water-jacketed, tissue culture incubators, inverted microscopes, clinical centrifuges, water baths, and refrigerator/freezers. A larger facility has essentially the same equipment but with three biological safety cabinets and a larger number of incubators.

Biological Cabinets
Biological cabinets that are available to users by reserving time on the tissue culture calendar. Incubators are to be provided by users who wish to use the resource.

Microscopes and Water Bath
The lab equipment includes inverted microscopes and a shaking water bath. Digital images of live cells can be obtained.
Meet Our Team
View a list of the Tissue Culture Lab members and support personnel.
Lab Access
View protocols, policies and guidelines for use of equipment in the Tissue Culture Lab.