
Metabolic Research Unit Research Support Facilities


Nutrition Metabolic Studies

  • Capability to perform detailed metabolic phenotyping including glucose metabolism assessment and isotope tracer studies.
  • Four rooms designated for metabolic studies with a total of six stations for blood draws. 
  • Available instruments to support metabolic investigations include: blood glucose analyzers (YSI), centrifuge, sample processing room, -70 freezer, metabolic cart, as well as EndoPAT device for vascular function assessment.

Nutritional Behavioral Studies

  • There are three behavior observation laboratories. Two rooms are equipped with video, audio recording capability dedicated to behavioral studies.
  • Potential users will need to obtain training and certification in the use of the recording equipment through our audiovisual department.

Access Questions

For scientific inquiries on the use of core services and grant applications, contact the MRU Director Dr. Fida Bacha, M.D. or Administrative Assistant Lizzet Vasquez; phone 713-798-7083.

Projects requesting the use of the MRU or EMU services must be routed through the CNRC administrative office for cost estimates. Contact Regina Davis.