Division Highlights
- The faculty and staff at the Weight Loss and Metabolic Center at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center deliver state-of-the-art continuum of care for patients who may be suffering the metabolic, medical, psychological and nutritional consequences of obesity.
- Medical students and residents rotating on our service are exposed to the medically-complex and technically-demanding discipline of bariatric surgery.
Division Education
Medical students and residents in the general surgery residency program rotating on our service are exposed to the technically-demanding discipline of bariatric surgery. Division faculty expose the trainees to advanced laparoscopic and robotic skills that, once gained, can be effectively applied in any other minimally-invasive procedures.
Find out more about our General Surgery Residency Program.
Division Research
The dramatic health-improving effects of weight loss and metabolic surgery have resulted in an explosion of research endeavors that aim to better understand the molecular mechanisms of metabolic dysfunction.
Our division is heavily engaged in conducting such research, particularly in optimizing the outcomes of medical and surgical treatment of obesity, investigating new devices which may result in ever-decreasing invasive techniques, and achieving a better understanding of how metabolic surgery can improve the clinical outcomes of patients who proceed to other types of surgery, such as joint replacement and organ transplant operations.
The research opportunities offered by Baylor College of Medicine and our colleagues in Texas Medical Center represent a collaborative system that is unrivaled in its potential to advance this field of medicine and reap enduring rewards for our patients.
Chief’s Message
View a message from the Division of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Chief, Dr. Samer Mattar.
The division provides leading-edge metabolic and bariatric services for our patients.