Kendal Hirschi Lab


About the Lab

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Hirschi Lab Research

We aspire to understand the basic mechanisms of plant growth and simultaneously leverage this knowledge to impact yield and nutrient content in agriculturally important crops. We utilize a broad based research program that incorporates a variety of model systems to conduct both basic and translational research. A large amount of our work has focused the regulation, and biochemical properties of cation exchanger (CAX) transporters.

Currently, we are excited about discerning their roles in flooding tolerance. What makes the group unique is our ability to leverage our science for nutritional improvements in plants. To create better foods to address global food security issues is a lengthy process; however, it must include rigorous nutritional studies. Our lab has demonstrated the ability to integrate plant biology and nutritional studies using animal and human feeding studies.


USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center


The Hirschi Lab is part of the USDA/ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center which houses laboratories, state-of-the-art equipment, a greenhouse, observation labs, research volunteer accommodations, a metabolic kitchen, and an elite group of research scientists.

Visit the CNRC

Lab Projects


Work done on the lab bench often entails characterizing the genes, RNA and proteins expressed in our plant varieties. View a listing and information about our current projects in the Hirschi Lab.

View Our Projects