Department of Medicine Members are indicated in bold.
D. Opel, H. Vo, N. Dundas, J. Blumenthal-Barby, et al. Validation of a Process for Shared Decision-Making in Pediatrics. Pubmed
M. Poche, K.Liu, C. Pham, S. Jain, R. Sealock. A Rare Case of Pancreatic Actinomyces. Pubmed
A. Omelianchuk. Protecting Life and Ensuring Death—Confounding the Dead Donor Rule. Pubmed
F. Fletcher, F. Lapite, A. Best. Rethinking the Moral Authority of Experience: Critical Insights and Reflections from Black Women Scholars. Pubmed
S. Spechler, H. El-Serag. Point-Counterpoint: Why Has Screening and Surveillance for Barrett's Esophagus Fallen Short in Stemming the Rising Incidence of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma? Pubmed
M. Blum, J. Chen, A. Surapaneni, C. Ballantyne, et al. Renin: Measurements, Correlates, and Associations With Long-Term Adverse Kidney Outcomes. Pubmed
L. Gregg, D. Ramsey, J. Akeroyd, S. Jafry 3, M. Matheny, S. Virani, S. Navaneethan. Predictors, Disparities, and Facility-Level Variation in SGLT2 Inhibitor Prescription Among US Veterans with CKD. Pubmed
J. Lekstrom-Himes, E. Augustine, A. McGuire, T. Defay, et al. Data sharing to advance gene-targeted therapies in rare diseases. Pubmed
D. Rendon, J. Shiau, S. Sherman. Lobar Pneumonia Presenting as Fever, Headaches, and a Negative Chest Radiograph. Pubmed
J. Tcheugui, S. Zhang, J. McEvoy, R. Hoogeveen, et al. Elevated NT-ProBNP as a Cardiovascular Disease Risk Equivalent: Evidence from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Pubmed
H. Robbins, K. Alcala, E. Khodayari Moez, C. Amos, et al. Design and methodological considerations for biomarker discovery and validation in the Integrative Analysis of Lung Cancer Etiology and Risk (INTEGRAL) Program. Pubmed
E. Amenta, R. Jump, B. Trautner. Bacteriuria in older adults triggers confusion in healthcare providers: A mindful pause to treat the worry. Pubmed
A. Bass, E. Chakravarty, T. Vogel, M. Gillispie-Taylor, et al. 2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Vaccinations in Patients With Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases. Pubmed
A. Civitello, J. Rogers. Toward a Self-Actuating Continuous Flow Ventricular Assist Device: The Pudding Is in the Proof. Pubmed
E. Lim, C. Liu, R. Hoogeveen, C. Ballantyne, et al. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk and small dense low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in men, women, African Americans and non-African Americans: The pooling project. Pubmed
N. Sobhani, V. Bouchè, G. Aldegheri, A. Rocca, et al. Analysis of PD-L1 and CD3 Expression in Glioblastoma Patients and Correlation with Outcome: A Single Center Report. Pubmed
A. Chary, M. Nandi, D. Flood, S. Tschida, et al. Qualitative study of pathways to care among adults with diabetes in rural Guatemala. Pubmed
D. Dima, A. Li, L. Granat, P. Dhillon, et al. External validation of the SAVED score for venous thromboembolism risk stratification in patients with multiple myeloma receiving immunomodulatory drugs. Pubmed
O. Garner, N. Hanania. Is Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation More Than Just Salvage Therapy in Acute Life-Threatening Asthma? Pubmed
C. Creighton. Gene Expression Profiles in Cancers and Their Therapeutic Implications. Pubmed
Casey E. Cavanagh, Lindsey Rosman, Philip Chui, S. Fedson, et al. Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Education in Heart Failure: Insights From the NCDR PINNACLE Registry. Pubmed
C. Tsao, S. Martin, S. Navaneethan, S. Virani, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics—2023 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Pubmed
J. Berry, H. Chen, V. Nambi, C. Ballantyne, et al. Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Control on Troponin and Natriuretic Peptide Levels: Findings From SPRINT. Pubmed
M. Rooney, J. Chen, C. Ballantyne, R. Hoogeveen, et al. Comparison of Proteomic Measurements Across Platforms in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Pubmed
A. Jove, H. Holmes, M. Tan, H. El-Serag, A. Thrift. Inverse Association Between Gluteofemoral Obesity and Risk of Non-Cardia Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia. Pubmed
K. Gupta, J. Hirsch, M. Gad, S. Virani, et al. Highlights of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Studies Presented at the 2022 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Pubmed
A. Isath, A. Kanwal, H. Hassan Virk, S. Virani, et al. The Effect of Yoga on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Meta-Analysis. Pubmed
A. Omelianchuk, D. Magnus. Arguments Opposing Continuation of Organ Support When Families Object to Declaration of Death by Neurological Criteria. Pubmed
M. Rooney, J. Chen, J. Echouffo-Tcheugui, C. Ballantyne, et al. Proteomic Predictors of Incident Diabetes: Results From the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Pubmed
S. Bruera, T. Chavula, R. Madan, S. Agarwal. Targeting type I interferons in systemic lupus erythematous. Pubmed
A. Gutierrez, J. Robinson, M. Majumder, A. McGuire, J. Malek, et al. Views of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer and Their Oncologists Toward Patients' Participation in Genomic Research. Pubmed
D. Wen, L. Zhou, R. Hoogeven, C. Ballantyne, et al. Testican-2 Is Associated with Reduced Risk of Incident ESKD. Pubmed
A. Saha, K. Patel, C. Ayers, C. Ballantyne, et al. Longitudinal Changes in Cardiac Troponin and Risk of Heart Failure Among Black Adults. Pubmed
W. Ullah, R. Malik, M. Alam, S. Virani, et al. Comparison of Premature, Extremely Premature, and Older Adults With Coronary Artery Disease in Pakistan. Pubmed
A. Agarwala, C. Ballantyne, N. Stone. Primary Prevention Management of Elevated Lipoprotein(a). Pubmed
Y. Natarajan, P. Patel, J. Chu, X. Yu, R. Hernaez , H. El-Serag, F. Kanwal. Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Various HFE Genotypes. Pubmed
T. May, M. Caudil, M. Manary. Is There Enough Choline for Children in Food Aid? Pubmed
A. Li, S. May, D. Guffey, W. da Costa, C. Amos, N. Riaz, et al. Derivation and Validation of a Clinical Risk Assessment Model for Cancer-Associated Thrombosis in Two Unique US Health Care Systems. Pubmed
J. Sloane, C, Donkin, H. Singh, A. Meyer, et al. Managing Interruptions to Improve Diagnostic Decision-Making: Strategies and Recommended Research Agenda. Pubmed
A. Bradford, H. Singh. Building clinical pathways of the future that improve safety and reduce waste in healthcare. Pubmed
S. Baksh, S. Heath, Y. Fukuta, D. Shade, et al. Symptom duration and resolution with early outpatient treatment of convalescent plasma for COVID- 19: a randomized trial. Pubmed
W. Nash, M. Erondu, A. Childress. Expanding Narrative Medicine through the Collaborative Construction and Compelling Performance of Stories. Pubmed
M. Ligon, B. Liang, S. Lenger, I. Mysorekar, et al. Bladder Mucosal Cystitis Cystica Lesions are Tertiary Lymphoid Tissues that Correlate with Recurrent UTI Frequency in Postmenopausal Women. Pubmed
G. Wilson, K. Van, E. O'Lone, W. Winklemayer, et al. Range and Consistency of Cardiovascular Outcomes Reported by Clinical Trials in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review. Pubmed
A. Minhas, V. Jain, M. Li, S. Virani, et al. Family income and cardiovascular disease risk in American adults. Pubmed
N. Hanania, M. Atik, A. Boriek, K. Guntupalli, E. Guy, A. Parulekar, et al. Prevalence of abnormal spirometry in individuals with a smoking history and no known obstructive lung disease. Pubmed
Clinical Utility of Routine Use of Fungal Blood Cultures
L. Nicholas Herrera, R. Khodadadi, S. Leal, P. Kulkarni, et al. PubMed
Efficacy of dupilumab in patients with moderate-to-severe asthma and persistent airflow obstruction
N. Hanania, M. Castro, E. Bateman, I. Pavord, et al. PubMed
Pancreatic metastasis of a primary osteosarcoma with genomic profiling analysis: case report and review of the literature
R. Darioosh, A. Singhi, M. Reeves, W. Skef. PubMed
The effect of a plasma next-generation sequencing test on antimicrobial management in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients - A single-center retrospective study
D. Francisco, L. Woc-Colburn, T. Lasco, M. Al Mohajer, et al. PubMed
A Novel Use of Bar Code Medication Administration Data to Assess Nurse Staffing and Workload
M. Knox, P. Mehta, C. Yang, L. Petersen, et al. PubMed
Increases in Overdoses During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A. Shekhar, W. Boyd. PubMed
Clinical care in hepatocellular carcinoma: A mixed methods assessment of experiences and challenges of oncology professionals
G. Jacobs, D. Boyle, H. El-Serag, R. Lewandowski, et al. PubMed
Excess folic acid intake increases DNA de novo point mutations
X. Cao, J. Xu, Y. Lin, R. Cabrera, C. Zhang, J. Steele, X. Han, B. Wlodarczyk, J. Lupski, W. Li, R. Finnell, Y. Lei, et al. PubMed
Pan-cancer molecular subtypes of metastasis reveal distinct and evolving transcriptional programs
Y. Zhang, F. Chen, C. Creighton. PubMed
Clinical Markers Associated With Risk of Suicide or Drug Overdose Among Individuals With Smoking Exposure: A Longitudinal Follow-up Study of the COPDGene Cohort
B. Adviento, E. Regan, B. Make, N. Hanania, et al. PubMed
COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Outpatient Therapy to Prevent Outpatient Hospitalization: A Meta-analysis of Individual Participant Data From Five Randomized Trials
A. Levine, Y. Fukuta, M. Huaman, J. Ou, et al. PubMed
A Fatal Hand Laceration
A. Ahmed, J. Lockhart, K. Muldrew, A. Chou, et al. PubMed
The US Supreme Court and Future of Financing Dialysis Care
M. Worsley, K. Erickson. PubMed
Considering the Effects of a Recent US Supreme Court's Ruling on Dialysis Care Costs
K. Erickson, C. Eck. PubMed
Closed-loop ventilation
J. Arnal, S. Katayama, C. Howard. PubMed
CGM Metrics Identify Dysglycemic States in Participants From the TrialNet Pathway to Prevention Study
S. Pietropaolo, M. Acevedo-Calado, M. Vasudevan, S. McKay, M. Pietropaolo, et al. PubMed This publication was published posthumously for Dr. Massimo Pietropaolo.
Use of optimal medical therapy in patients with diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: Insights from a prospective longitudinal cohort study
S. Arnold, J. A de Lemos, L. Zheng, C. Ballantyne, et al. PubMed
Novel use of lumen-apposing metal stent for recanalization of complete stenosis of colo-colonic anastomosis
P. Guzik, A. Aka, W. Skef. PubMed
Catheter ablation improved ejection fraction in persistent AF patients: a DECAAF-II sub analysis
M. Mekhael, B. Shan, C. Noujaim, M. Chelu, et al. PubMed
Potential effects of icosapent ethyl on cardiovascular outcomes in cigarette smokers: REDUCE-IT smoking
M. Miller, D. Bhatt, G. Steg, C. Ballantyne, et al. PubMed
Fresh takes on five health data sharing domains: Quality, privacy, equity, incentives, and sustainability
C. Guerrini, M. Majumder, J. Robinson, M. Blank, J. Bollinger, A. Gutierrez, M. Shrikant, A. McGuire, et al. PubMed
Public mental health during and after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Opportunities for intervention via emotional self-efficacy and resilience
L. Feuerman, S. Classen, J. Robinson, A. McGuire, et al. PubMed
Prospective, Multi-Institutional, Real-Time Next-Generation Sequencing of Pancreatic Cyst Fluid Reveals Diverse Genomic Alterations That Improve the Clinical Management of Pancreatic Cysts
A. Paniccia, P. Polanco, B. Boone, W. Skef, et al. PubMed
In-center hemodialysis unit patient experience with telehealth
S. Lew, G. Kaur, N. Sikka, K. Erickson. PubMed
Inflammatory Biomarkers Differ among Hospitalized Veterans Infected with Alpha, Delta, and Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variants
S. Tavakoli-Tabasi, A. Sharafkhaneh, C. Amos, A. Chou, J. Razjouyan, et al. PubMed
Endothelial-to-osteoblast transition in normal mouse bone development
S. Lin, G. Yu, Yu. Lee, L. Yu-Lee, et al. PubMed
Transcriptome, proteome, and protein synthesis within the intracellular cytomatrix
T. Shaiken, M. Siam, A. Williams, A. Opekun, et al. PubMed
Simultaneous Heart-Kidney Transplantation: Balancing Competing Outcomes for Transplant Wait-Listed Patients
A. Civitello, A. Nair. PubMed
Impact of the 2018 UNOS Heart Transplant Policy Changes on Patient Outcomes
N. Maitra, S. Dugger, I. Balachandran, A. Civitello, J. Rogers, et al. PubMed
Association of Long-term Change in N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide With Incident Heart Failure and Death
X. Jia, R. Hoogeveen, S. Virani, B. Bozkurt, C. Ballantyne, V. Nambi, et al. PubMed
Efficacy and safety of the oral PCSK9 inhibitor MK-0616: a phase 2b randomized controlled trial
C. Ballantyne, P. Banka, G. Mendez, R. Garci, et al. PubMed
Association of Anthracycline With Heart Failure in Patients Treated for Breast Cancer or Lymphoma, 1985-2010
C. Larsen, M. Garcia Arango, H. Dasari, J. Rico Mesa, et al. PubMed
Missense Genetic Variation of ICAM1 and Incident Heart Failure
P. Giro, C. Ballantyne, E. Boerwinkle, B. Yu, et al. PubMed
Effects of bempedoic acid on CRP, IL-6, fibrinogen and lipoprotein(a) in patients with residual inflammatory risk: A secondary analysis of the CLEAR harmony trial
P. Ridker, L. Lei, K. Ray, C. Ballantyne, et al. PubMed
Weight Management Treatment Representations: A Novel Use of the Common Sense Model
D. Dawson, R. Mohankumar, D. Puran, M. Kunik, et al. PubMed
Adults' Experiences with Type 2 Diabetes in Rural Guatemala: A Qualitative Study
P. Rohloff, D. Flood, E. Tuiz, A. Chary, et al. PubMed
Things We do for No Reason™: Routinely obtaining repeat transthoracic echocardiography for acute decompensation of known chronic heart failure
D. Harrison, A. Misra, A. Pahwa, S. Sherman, et al. PubMed
Black Bioethics in the Age of Black Lives Matter
K. Ray, F. Fletcher, D. Martschenko, J. James. PubMed
Undetectable JC virus CSF PCR in patients with JC virus-induced progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
C. Chiu, E. Amenta, V. Chavez, Y. Fukuta, et al. PubMed
Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Working with Adults Receiving Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
A. Grouls, K.Dobbie, K. Neuendorf, S. Nakagawa, et al. PubMed
Left Ventricular Assist Devices and Renal Ramifications
A. Nair, H. Lamba. PubMed
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Derived Microvascular Perfusion Modeling to Assess Peripheral Artery Disease
C. Short, A. Taylor, V. Nambi, C. Ballantyne, G. Brunner, et al. PubMed
Cardiovascular disease in asthma patients: from mechanisms to therapeutic implications
M. Cazzola, N. Hanania, P. Rogliani, M. Griella Matera. PubMed
Reducing the Risk of Mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease With Pharmacotherapy: A Narrative Review
M. Mintz, I. Barjaktarevic, D. Mahler, N. Hanania, et al. PubMed
Plasma proteins related to inflammatory diet predict future cognitive impairment
M. Duggan, L. Butler, Z. Peng, C. Ballantyne, et al. PubMed
Multitrait genome-wide analyses identify new susceptibility loci and candidate drugs to primary sclerosing cholangitis
Y. Han, J. Byun, C. Zhu, V. Shaw, J. Razjouyan, C. Amos, et al. PubMed
CLIC and membrane wound repair pathways enable pandemic norovirus entry and infection
F. Neill, BVV. Prasad, R. Atmar, M. Estes, et al. PubMed
Single-cell sequencing of ascites fluid illustrates heterogeneity and therapy-induced evolution during gastric cancer peritoneal metastasis
X. Huang, M. Pang, J. Li, J. Mills, et al. PubMed
Mitochondrial structure and function adaptation in residual triple negative breast cancer cells surviving chemotherapy treatment
J. Lee, T. Wang, B. Lim, G. Echeverria, et al. PubMed
Risk stratification for hepatocellular cancer among patients with cirrhosis using a hepatic fat polygenic risk score
A. Thrift, F. Kanwal, Y. Liu, S. Khaderi, M. Luster, A. Al-Sarraj, S. Tsavachidis, C. Amos, H. El-Serag, et al. PubMed
COPD: Providing the right treatment for the right patient at the right time
A. Agusti, N. Ambrosino, F. Blackstock, N. Hanania, et al. PubMed
Science and its stakeholders
C. Guerrini. PubMed
Passive monitoring by smart toilets for precision health
T. Ge, V. Nataly Rahimzadeh, K. Mintz, W. Park, et al. PubMed
Current Challenges and Future Direction in Surveillance for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
G. Cholankeril, H. El-Serag. PubMed
Herminthology: promoting gender equity in science and parasitology
N. Davies Calvani, C. De Marco Verissimo, C. Cantacessi, E. Clark, et al. PubMed