
Vector Repository


Our Collection is Growing...


Since the inception of the Vector Development Laboratory, we have made a substantial number of vectors and have often had requests for vectors from the scientific community.

In support of the research community, we have generated a large database of all the vectors produced by the VDL along with information about the vector construction and transgene. All information is kept confidential and only shared with the individual owners of the vectors.

However, to help eliminate duplication of services and provide discounts to our customers, when we receive requests for creation of vectors we know exist, we will privately contact the owners and ask if we can provide other customers with their information. If agreement, we will provide the investigators contact information to the customer so that they can contact them directly and establish material transfer agreement. Once we have written consent from the investigator, we will then release or potentially expand the virus stock for the customer. This will avoid the time and cost of viral creation.


Benefits to Vector Depositors


We offer investigators the ability to store a tube of their virus in our repository.

By depositing vectors, customers are assured safe and reliable storage. Vector management and storage are done using a barcoding system. All vectors are barcoded to ensure identity. When a vector vial is barcoded, it is read by a computerized scanner and this information is transferred to the database tracking system. All vectors are stored in a specific location within a dedicated -80ºC freezer. The freezer is powered by the central Baylor power supply and in the case of a power failure the freezer will be powered by a series of back-up generators. The freezers are also equipped with multiple alarm systems one of which alerts the Baylor security of temperature fluctuations.