Yudong Gao, Ph.D.

Yudong Gao, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
- BE from Zhejiang University
- Hangzhou, Zhejiang China
- PhD from The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Memphis, Tennessee United States
- Postdoctoral Training at Duke University
- 06/2023 - Durham, North Carolina United States
Honors & Awards
- Young Investigator Award
- Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
- McNair Scholar at BCM
- McNair Medical Institute at The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation
Professional Statement
My laboratory's primary focus is the mechanism and function of protein interactions in the brain, and how the breakdowns of these interactions contribute to the phenotypes seen in neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. My laboratory utilizes cutting-edge tools in proteomics, protein engineering, and high-throughput electrophysiology to uncover new mechanisms of protein interaction in synaptic and ion channel models of autism, schizophrenia, and related conditions. Furthermore, my laboratory is also actively seeking to develop innovative strategies to modulate neural signaling and rescue phenotypes in these conditions.Selected Publications
- Gao Y, Hisey E, Bradshaw TWA, Erata E, Brown WE, Courtland JL, Uezu A, Xiang Y, Diao Y, Soderling SH. "Plug-and-play protein modification using homology-independent universal genome engineering.." Neuron. 2019; Pubmed PMID: 31272828
- Erata E, Gao Y, Purkey A, Soderblom EJ, McNamara J, Soderling SH. "Cnksr2 loss in mice leads to increased neural activity and behavioral phenotypes of Epilepsy-Aphasia Syndrome.." J Neurosci. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 34580165
- Hisey E, Purkey A, Gao Y, Soderling SH, Ressler KJ. "A ventromedial prefrontal-to-lateral entorhinal cortex pathway modulates the gain of behavioral responding during threat.." Biological Psychiatry. 2023; Pubmed PMID: 36925415
- Gao Y, Heldt SA. "Enrichment of GABAA receptor α-subunits on the axonal initial segment shows regional differences.." Front. Cell. Neurosci.. 2016; Pubmed PMID: 26973458
- O’Neil SD, Rácz B, Brown WE, Gao Y, Soderblom EJ, Yasuda R, Soderling SH. "Action potential-coupled Rho GTPase signaling drives presynaptic plasticity.." Elife. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 34269176
- Uezu A, Hisey E, Kobayashi Y, Gao Y, Bradshaw TWA, Devlin P, Rodriguiz R, Tata PR, Soderling S. "Essential role for InSyn1 in dystroglycan complex integrity and cognitive behaviors in mice.." Elife. 2019; Pubmed PMID: 31829939
- Engin E, Smith KS, Gao Y, Nagy D, Foster RA, Tsvetkov E, Keist R, Crestani F, Fritschy JM, Bolshakov VY, Hajos M, Heldt SA, Rudolph U. "Modulation of anxiety and fear via distinct intrahippocampal circuits.." Elife. 2016; Pubmed PMID: 26971710
- Gao Y, Heldt SA. "Lack of neuronal nitric oxide synthase results in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-like behaviors in mice.." Behav Neurosci. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 25621792
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