Pradip Saha, Ph.D.

Pradip Saha, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/ Co-Director Mouse Metabolism & Phenotyping Core
- Associate Professor/ Co-Director Mouse Metabolism & Phenotyping Core
Mol & Cell Biology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Co- Director
Mouse Metabolism & Phenotyping core
Advanced Technology Core
Baylor college of Medicine
- Director
Mouse Metabolism Core
Diabetes Research Center
Baylor college of Medicine
- Associate Professor
Baylor college of Medicine
- Advanced Training from Baylor College Of Medicine
- 01/2001 - Houston, TX United States
- Advanced Training from National Institute Of Cholera And Enteric Diseases
- 01/1998 - Calcutta, India
- Ph.D. from Calcutta University
- 01/1996 - India, India
- M.Sc. from Calcutta University
- 01/1990 - India, India
- B.Sc. from Calcutta University
- 01/1987 - India, India
Professional Interests
- Diabetes & Obesity related Research
Professional Statement
The use of mouse models is a key research strategy for investigation of all kind of human diseases included but not limited to metabolic disorders, cancer, aging neurological disorders, etc. In depth characterization of mouse models requires careful, specialized techniques and procedures, most requiring unique instrumentation and expertise. But to get phenotypic and metabolic date on experimental model is time consuming, expensive and always lack of expertise in doing as well as explaining the outcome. Only solution of this problem is to have a shared resource and can mobilize more researchers and help them to explore their findings by the expert in the field. From here I got the idea to develop a core service to support the entire research community within Baylor College of Medicine and beyond. I have a broad background in biochemistry, with specific trainings and expertise in key research areas for this type of shared platform. Since 1992, I’m actively engaged in basic research out of which I spent 12 years in the field of diabetic and metabolic disorder. I have a track record of success during more than twenty years of tenure in the bio medical research. Focused and highly motivated scientific research professional with strong scientific research experience in diabetes, inflammation, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and oncology. Major accomplishment of my research included but not limited to• Rescue of Human Familial Hypercholesterolemia (Nature Communication).
• Starvation and Cellular Lipid Metabolism (Nature Cell).
Resume: Saha PK 10
• Inflammation, Bone Marrow-derived Proinsulin-producing cells and Insulin Resistance (FASEB).
• Steroid Receptor Coactivator 2 in metabolism and Von Gierke's disease (Science).
• Angiogenesis and Obesity Reversal ( Nature Medicine)
• Peptidomimetic Weight loss in Obese Monkeys (Sci Transl Med)
• Antidiabetic Effects of CDDO-Me, a Cancer Drug (JBC)
• Nuclear Receptor CAR and Liver Diseases (PNAS).
Based on above idea, finally I developed a core service (Mouse Metabolism Core) for the researcher and providing service to the investigator since 2008. Mouse metabolism core performed timely in vivo characterization of mouse models using state-of-the-art assays and measurements in a systematic and cost-effective manner. The MMC provides a combination of services that include static, dynamic, and continuous monitoring of metabolic parameters, coupled with individualized consultation and expert interpretation. For these reasons, the MMC is an essential and highly used core in BCM as well as in outside Institute including M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), The Methodist Hospital Research Institute (TMHRI), UT Health Science Center (UTHSC), Dana-Farber Cancer Center (DFCC), MIT, City of hope :Beckman Research Institutes (COH), The hospital for sick children in Canada (SICKKIDS) and so on. The MMC interacts closely with the Metabolomics Core. Comprehensive metabolic phenotyping by the MMC and dissection of the underlying metabolic pathways by the metabolomics core will be powerful state-of-the-art investigative tools soon and will enhance research in cancer and metabolism and its related field.
Selected Publications
- Settembre C, De Cegli R, Mansueto G, Saha PK, Vetrini F, Visvikis O, Huynh T, Carissimo A, Palmer D, Jürgen Klisch T, Wollenberg AC, Di Bernardo D, Chan L, Irazoqui JE, Ballabio A "TFEB controls cellular lipid metabolism through a starvation-induced autoregulatory loop.." Nat. Cell Biol.. 2013 Jun;15(6):647-58. Pubmed PMID: 23604321
- Kolonin MG, Saha PK, Chan L, Pasqualini R, Arap W "Reversal of obesity by targeted ablation of adipose tissue.." Nat. Med.. 2004 Jun;10(6):625-32. Pubmed PMID: 15133506
- Duerrschmid C, He Y, Wang C, Li C, Bournat JC, Romere C, Saha PK, Lee ME, Phillips KJ, Jain M, Jia P, Zhao Z, Farias M, Wu Q, Milewicz DM, Sutton VR, Resume: Saha PK 8 Moore DD, Butte NF, Krashes MJ, Xu Y and Chopra AR "Asprosin is a centrally acting orexigenic hormone." Nat Med. 2017; Pubmed PMID: 29106398
- Romere C, Duerrschmid C, Bournat J, Constable P, Jain M, Xia F, Saha P, Solar MD, Dean A, York B, Sarkar P, Rendon D, Gaber W, LeMaire SA, Coselli JS, Ramirez F, Milewicz DM, Sutton VR, Butte NF, Moore DD and Chopra AR "Asprosin, a Fasting-Induced, Glucogenic, Protein Hormone." Cell. 2016; Pubmed PMID: 27087445
- Chopra AR, Louet JF, Saha P, An J, Demayo F, Xu J, York B, Karpen S, Finegold M, Moore D, Chan L, Newgard CB, O'Malley BW "Absence of the SRC-2 coactivator results in a glycogenopathy resembling Von Gierke's disease.." Science. 2008 Nov 28;322(5906):1395-9. Pubmed PMID: 19039140
- Lee J, Moulik M, Fang Z, Saha P, Zou F, Xu Y, Nelson DL, Ma K, Moore DD, Yechoor VK "Bmal1 and ß-Cell Clock Are Required for Adaptation to Circadian Disruption, and Their Loss of Function Leads to Oxidative Stress-Induced ß-Cell Failure in Mice.." Mol. Cell. Biol.. 2013 Jun;33(11):2327-38. Pubmed PMID: 23547261
- Dong B, Saha PK, Huang W, Chen W, Abu-Elheiga LA, Wakil SJ, Stevens RD, Ilkayeva O, Newgard CB, Chan L, Moore DD "Activation of nuclear receptor CAR ameliorates diabetes and fatty liver disease.." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. 2009 Nov 3;106(44):18831-6. Pubmed PMID: 19850873
- Bissig CB, Wang L, Legras X, Saha Pk, Chen L, Bell P, Pankowicz F, Hill M, Mercedes Barzi M, Leyton KC, Leung HC, Robert Kruse R, Himes R, Goss J, Wilson J, Chan L, Lagor W, and Bissig KD "Development and Rescue of Human Familial Hypercholesterolemia in a Xenograft Mouse Model." Nat Communication. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 26081744
- Barnhart KF, Christianson DR, Hanley PW, Driessen WH, Bernacky BJ, Baze WB, Wen S, Tian M, Ma J, Kolonin MG, Saha PK, Do KA, Hulvat JF, Gelovani JG, Chan L, Arap W, Pasqualini R "A peptidomimetic targeting white fat causes weight loss and improved insulin resistance in obese monkeys.." Sci Transl Med. 2011 Nov 9;3(108):108ra112. Pubmed PMID: 22072637
- Sun Y, Asnicar M, Saha PK, Chan L, Smith RG "Ablation of ghrelin improves the diabetic but not obese phenotype of ob/ob mice.." Cell Metab.. 2006 May;3(5):379-86. Pubmed PMID: 16679295
- Lee J, Saha PK, Yang QH, Lee S, Park JY, Suh Y, Lee SK, Chan L, Roeder RG, Lee JW "Targeted inactivation of MLL3 histone H3-Lys-4 methyltransferase activity in the mouse reveals vital roles for MLL3 in adipogenesis." PNAS. 2008; Pubmed PMID: 19047629
- Lacaria M, Saha P, Potocki L, Bi W, Yan J, Girirajan S, Burns B, Elsea S, Walz K, Chan L, Lupski JR, Gu W "A Duplication CNV That Conveys Traits Reciprocal to Metabolic Syndrome and Protects against Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice and Men.." PLoS Genet.. 2012 May;8(5):e1002713. Pubmed PMID: 22654670
- Bader DA, Hartig SM, Putluri V, Foley C, Hamilton MP, Smith EA, Saha P, Panigrahi A, Walker C, Zong L, Martini-Stoica H, Chen R, Rajapakshe K, Coarfa C, Sreekumar A, Mitsiades N, Bankson JA, Ittmann MM, Putluri N, McGuire SE "Mitochondrial Pyruvate Import is a Metabolic Vulnerability in Prostate Adenocarcinoma." Nat Metabolism. 2018;
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