Gloria Vittone Echeverria, Ph.D.

Gloria Vittone Echeverria, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas US
- CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research
Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
- Member
Lester and Sue Smith Breast Center
- Member
Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center
- Member
Department of Medicine
- Member
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Member
Department of Radiation Oncology
- Office: R516 (Lab)
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Echeverria Lab website
- Office: R516 (Office)
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Echeverria Lab website
- BS from Texas A&M University
- 05/2008 - College Station, Texas United States
- PhD from Baylor College of Medicine
- 10/2013 - Houston, Texas United States
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- 12/2019 - Houston, Texas United States
Professional Statement
The Echeverria laboratory investigates the metabolic and phenotypic plasticity of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) that is refractory to conventional therapeutic treatments. The focus of the lab is to delineate the molecular and cell biological mechanisms underpinning mitochondrial and metabolic adaptations of TNBC using state-of-the art patient-derived xenograft mouse models and in vitro cultured human TNBC cells. The lab utilizes high-resolution microscopy, genome engineering, single-cell technologies, multiplexed tissue imaging, and metabolomics with the ultimate goal of combating tumor evolution to improve the lives of women living with TNBC.Websites
Selected Publications
- Baek M, Lee JG, Pendleton KE, Berner MJ, Goff EB, Tan L, Martinez SA, Wang T, Meyer M, Lim B, Barrish JP, Lorenzi P, Porter W, Echeverria GV "Mitochondrial structure and function adaptation in residual triple negative breast cancer cells surviving chemotherapy treatment." 2023 Feb; Pubmed PMID: 36813854
- Echeverria GV, Ge Z, Seth S, Zhang X, Jeter-Jones S, Zhou X, Cai S, Tu Y, McCoy A, et al. "Resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer mediated by a reversible drug-tolerant state." Sci Transl Med. 2019; Pubmed PMID: 30996079
- Echeverria GV*, Cai S, Tu Y, Shao J, Powell E, Redwood A, Jiang Y, McCoy A, Rinkenbaugh A, Lau R, Trevarton A, Fu X, Gould R, Adrada B, Lane D, auch G, ang Q, Whie J, Chang JT, Moulder S, Symmans WF, Hilsenbeck SG, Piwnica-Worms H* "Predictors of success in establishing orthotopic patient-derived xenograft models of triple negative breast cancer from fine needle tumor aspirates." 2023; Pubmed PMID: 36627285
- Anurag M, Jaehnig E, Krug K, Lei JT, Bergstrom E, Kim BJ, Vashist T, Huynh A, Dou YU, Gou X, Huang C, Shi Z, Wen B, Korchina V, Gibbs R, Mani DR, Gilette MA, Zhang B, Echeverria GV, Miles G, Rimawi MF, Carr SA, Ademuyiwa FO, Satpathy S, and Ellis MJ "Proteogenomic markers of chemotherapy resistance and response in triple negative breast cancer." 2022; Pubmed PMID: 36001024
- Mavrommati I, Johnson F, Echeverria GV, Natrajan R "Modelling and targeting breast cancer heterogeneity- every cell counts.." 2021; Pubmed PMID: 34934048
- Werden SJ, Sphyris N, Sarkar TR, Paranjape AN, LaBaff AM, Tabue JH, Hollier BG, Ramirez-Pena EQ, Soundarajan R, den Hollander P, Powell E, Echeverria GV, et al. "Phosphorylation of serine 367 of FOXC2 by p38 regulates ZEB1 and breast cancer metastasis, without impacting primary tumor growth." Oncogene. 2016; Pubmed PMID: 27292262
- Baek M, Chang JT, Echeverria GV "Methodological advancements for investigating intra-tumoral heterogeneity in breast cancer at the bench and bedside." J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 2020 Dec 9; Pubmed PMID: 33300087
- Powell RT, Redwood A, Liu X, Gui L, Cai S, Zhou X, Tu Y, Qi Y, Jiang Y, Echeverria GV, Feng N, Ma X, Giuliani V, Marzalek JR, Heffernan TP, Vellano CR, Stephan C, Davies P, Chang JT, Moulder SL, Symmans WF, Piwnica-Worms H. "Pharmacologic profiling of patient-derived xenograft models of primary treatment-naïve triple-negative breast cancer.." Sci Reports. 2020 Oct 21; Pubmed PMID: 33087803
- Hsu T, Simon L, Heill N, Marcotte R, Sayad A, Bland C, Echeverria GV, et al. "The spliceosome is a therapeutic vulnerability in MYC-driven cancer.." Nature. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 26331541
- Powell E, Shao J, Yuan Y, Chen H, Cai S, Echeverria GV, et al. "p53 deficiency linked to BTG2 loss enhances metastatic potential by promoting tumor growth in primary and metastatic sites in PDX models of triple negative breast cancer.." Breast Cancer Res. 2016; Pubmed PMID: 26818199
- Roarty K, Echeverria GV "Laboratory models to study breast cancer therapy resistance and metastasis." Front Oncol. 2021 Mar 10;Doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.645698.
- Echeverria GV, Powell E, Seth S, Ge Z, et al. "High-resolution clonal mapping of multi-organ metastasis in triple negative breast cancer.." Nat Commun. 2018; Pubmed PMID: 30498242
- Stires H, Bado I, Brown T, Carlson M, Chan I, Echeverria GV, Ewald A, Lim B, Maues J, Oesterreich S, Riter B, Shanahan K, Newby J, Welm A "Improving the odds together: a framework for breast cancer research scientists to include patient advocates in their research." 2022; Pubmed PMID: 35773258
- Wall SW and Echeverria GV "Commentary: Avoiding extinction: Cancer-associated fibroblasts help TNBC out-run chemotherapy." Cancer Res. 2023; Pubmed PMID: 37964615
- Pendleton KE, Wang K, Echeverria GV "Rewiring of mitochondrial metabolism in therapy-resistant cancers: Permanent and plastic adaptations." Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023; Pubmed PMID: 37779896
- 3. Yu W, Chen Y, Putluri N, Osman A, Coarfa C, Putluri V, Myers J, Lai S, Lu W, Stephan C, Powell R, Johnson F, Skinner H, Kazi J, Kazi M, Hu L, Threet A, Meyer M, Bankson J, Wang T, Davis J, Parker K, Harris M, Baek ML, Echeverria GV, Qi X, Wang J, et al "Evolution of cisplatin resistance through coordinate metabolic reprogramming of the cellular reductive state." British J Cancer.; Pubmed PMID: 37012319
- R37 MERIT Award (12/22/2022 - 12/21/2025) Grant funding from NCI
- Research Scholar Grant (02/01/2023 - 01/31/2027) Grant funding from American Cancer Society
- First-Time Faculty Recruitment Award Grant funding from CPRIT
- SPORE Career Enhancement Program Award (08/01/2022 - 05/31/2023) Grant funding from NCI
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