Beth Hackethorn Garland, Ph.D.

- Associate Professor in Pediatric Psychology
Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine and Sports Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- BA from University of The South
- 01/2001 - Sewanee, TN United States
- M.A. from James Madison University
- 01/2003 - Harrisonburg, VA United States
- PhD from Texas A&M University
- 01/2007 - College Station, TX United States
- Internship at Baylor College Of Medicine
- 01/2007 - Houston, TX United States
- Department of Psychiatry
- Fellowship at Texas Children's Hospital
- 01/2008 - Houston, TX United States
- Licensed Psychologist
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Honors & Awards
- Professionalism Award for Intern Class
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Distinguished Student Practice Award
Professional Statement
Dr. Garland is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of adolescents and emerging adults with eating related concerns and disorders. Related to her clinical services, she studies adolescent and family motivation as well as adolescent transition to adulthood, especially with respect to mental health care transition.Websites
Selected Publications
- Barry TD, Pinard FA, Barry CT, Garland BH, Lyman RD "The utility of home problem pervasiveness and severity in classifying children identified with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.." Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2011 Apr;42(2):152-65. Pubmed PMID: 20957428
- Riccio CA, Garland BH, Cohen MJ "Relations between the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) and the Children's Memory Scale (CMS).." J Atten Disord. 2007 Sep;11(2):167-71. Pubmed PMID: 17494832
- Axelrad ME, Garland BH, Love KB "Brief behavioral intervention for young children with disruptive behaviors.." J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2009 Sep;16(3):263-9. Pubmed PMID: 19424780
- Taylor SA, Garland BH, Sanchez-Fournier BE, Allen KF, Doak JS, Wiemann CM "A Qualitative Study of the Day-to-Day Lives of Obese Mexican-American Adolescent Females.." Pediatrics. 2013 Jun;131(6):1132-8. Pubmed PMID: 23713106
- Hopwood CJ, Flato CG, Ambwani S, Garland BH, Morey LC "A comparison of Latino and Anglo socially desirable responding.." J Clin Psychol. 2009 Jul;65(7):769-80. Pubmed PMID: 19388057
- American Psychological Association
- Member
- Houston Psychological Association
- Member
- Texas Psychological Association
- Member
- Houston Eating Disorder Specialists
- Member
- Academy of Eating Disorders
- Member
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