Andrew Childress, Ph.D., M.A.

- Assistant Professor of Medicine
Humanities Expression and Arts Lab (HEAL)
Office of the Senior Dean
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Texas Medical Branch
- 04/2015 - Galveston, Texas United States
- Clinical Ethics, Translational Research Ethics
- PhD from University of Texas Medical Branch
- 12/2012 - Galveston, Texas United States
- Medical Humanities, Healthcare Ethics
Honors & Awards
- Teaching and Evaluation
- Norton Rose Fullbright Faculty Excellence
Professional Interests
- Medical Humanities
- Literature and Medicine
Professional Statement
Andrew Childress, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Assistant Director of the Humanities Expression and Arts Lab in the Office of the Senior Dean. He currently directs the Medical Humanities Pathway. He is also an Affiliated Faculty member in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine. He has a PhD in Medical Humanities and has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Clinical and Translational Research Ethics at The University of Texas Medical Branch. His research interests include the integration and evaluation of the arts and humanities within medical education and clinical practice.Websites
Selected Publications
- Childress A "Assistant Coach, Advice Columnist, or Seasoned Diplomat: Distinguishing Between Formal, Informal, and "FYI" Ethics Consultations." Am J Bioeth. 2022 Apr;22(4):45-47. Pubmed PMID: 35420523
- Childress A, Bibler T, Moore B, Nelson RH, Robertson-Preidler J, Schuman O, Malek J. "From Bridge to Destination? Ethical Considerations Related to Withdrawal of ECMO Support over the Objections of Capacitated Patients." Am J Bioeth. 2022;26:1-12. Pubmed PMID: 35616323
- Andrew Childress and Ricardo Nuila "Exploring the Human Impact of Public Health Interventions in T.C. Boyle’s “The Fugitive”." Narrative Ethics in Public Health: The Value of Stories eds. 2022;217-231.
- Childress AM, Poythress EL, Toussant R, Stolar A, Laufman L, P Appelbaum N, Nuila R. "Using Narrative Medicine Workshops to Improve Empathy and Emotional Intelligence and Address Burnout Among Medical Students." Acad Med. 2022 Oct;1(97) Pubmed PMID: 36287651
- Nash W, Childress A. "Waiting for my foot to ring Commentary on "Waiting for my foot to ring"." Acad Med. 2022 May 3; Pubmed PMID: 35476647
- Childress, A "Exploring Borders and Boundaries in Fady Joudah’s Poetry.." Routledge Press. 2021;edited by Nathan Carlin:158-171.
- Childress A, Lee SW, Matsler JS, Farroni JS. "Clarifying and Expanding the Role of Narrative in Ethics Consultation." J Clin Ethics. 2020;31(2):214-251. Pubmed PMID: 32960806
- Malek J, Bibler TM, Childress A, et al "Critical Conversations: Say This, Not That." Chest.. 2020 Sep;158(3):896-898. Pubmed PMID: 32376149
- Horner C, Childress A, Fantus S, Malek J. "What the HEC-C? An Analysis of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified Program: One Year in.." Am J Bioeth. 2020 Mar;20(3):9-18. Pubmed PMID: 32105205
- Bibler TM, Crist JM, Malek J, Childress AM. ""Do we have to replace the balloon pump when it fails?"." Hastings Cent Rep. 2020 Jan;50(1):10-13. Pubmed PMID: 32068279
- Stephens, Ashley L., Courtenay R. Bruce, Andrew Childress, and Janet Malek ""Why Families Get Angry: Practical Strategies for Clinical Ethics Consultants to Rebuild Trust between Angry Families and Clinicians in the Critical Care Environment."." HEC Forum. 2019 Feb 28;[Epub ahead of print]. Pubmed PMID: 30820819
- Bruce CR, Bibler T, Childress A, Fedson S "Legislating how critical care physicians discuss and implement do-not-resuscitate orders." J Crit Care.. 2018 Apr;(44):459-461. Pubmed PMID: 29287932
- Bruce CR, Bibler T, Childress A, Fedson S "Legislating Medicine: The Need for Evidence, Argument, and Alliance.." Crit Care Med. 2018 May;46(5):788-790. Pubmed PMID: 29252931
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
- Member (08/2008)
- Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certification
- Tinctures of the Arts: Measuring the Effect of Medical Humanities Activities on Empathy, Burnout, and Communication in Students and Other Learners (Co-PI with Nuila, Laufman) - #GT-32018-20-01v
- $25,000.00 (04/01/2021 - 06/30/2022) Grant funding from Association of American Medical Colleges
- This award from the AAMC will help us sponsor and facilitate a range of interactive and educational activities, including creative writing and narrative medicine workshops, medical humanities programming, storytelling events, and a speaker series. We hope to improve the education, practice and well-being of physicians through deeper integrative experiences with the arts and humanities.
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