Alica Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.

- Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
- Faculty Senator
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Baylor Neurology (Clinic)
Baylor College of Medicine Medical Center
McNair Campus
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-2273
- MD-PhD from Jesenius Medical Faculty - Comenius University
- Martin, Slovakia
- Internship at The University of Texas Health Science Center
- Houston, TX
- Internal Medicine
- Residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center
- Houston, TX
- Neurology
- Fellowship at The University of Texas Health Science Center
- Houston, TX
- EEG-Epilepsy
- Neurology
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Epilepsy
- American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
Professional Interests
- Clinical Neurophysiology
- Epilepsy
- Seizure Disorders
- Genetics of epilepsy
Comprehensive list of publications and presentations
Selected Publications
- Heck CN, King-Stephens D, Massey AD, Nair DR, Jobst BC, Barkley GL, et al. "Two-year seizure reduction in adults with medically intractable partial onset epilepsy treated with responsive neurostimulation: Final results of the RNS System Pivotal trial." Epilepsia. 2014 Mar;55(3):432-41. Pubmed PMID: 24621228
- Klassen TL, Bomben VC, Patel A, Drabek J, Chen TT, Gu W, et al. "High-resolution molecular genomic autopsy reveals complex sudden unexpected death in epilepsy risk profile." Epilepsia. 2014 Feb;55(2) Pubmed PMID: 24372310
- Chen TT, Klassen TL, Goldman AM, Marini C, Guerrini R, Noebels JL "Novel brain expression of ClC-1 chloride channels and enrichment of CLCN1 variants in epilepsy.." Neurology. 2013 Mar 19;80(12):1078-85. Pubmed PMID: 23408874
- Hirose S, Scheffer IE, Marini C, De Jonghe P, Andermann E, Goldman AM, Kauffman M, Tan NC, Lowenstein DH, Sisodiya SM, Ottman R, Berkovic SF "SCN1A testing for epilepsy: Application in clinical practice.." Epilepsia. 2013 May;54(5):946-52. Pubmed PMID: 23586701
- Klassen TL, Drabek J, Tomson T, Sveinsson O, von Dobeln U, Noebels JL, et al. "Visual automated fluorescence electrophoresis provides simultaneous quality, quantity, and molecular weight spectra for genomic DNA from archived neonatal blood spots." J Mol Diagn.. 2013 May;15(3):283-90. Pubmed PMID: 23518217
- Klassen TL, von Rüden EL, Drabek J, Noebels JL, Goldman AM "Comparative analytical utility of DNA derived from alternative human specimens for molecular autopsy and diagnostics.." J Mol Diagn. 2012 Sep;14(5):451-7. Pubmed PMID: 22796560
- Klassen T, Davis C, Goldman A, Burgess D, Chen T, Wheeler D, McPherson J, Bourquin T, Lewis L, Villasana D, Morgan M, Muzny D, Gibbs R, Noebels J "Exome sequencing of ion channel genes reveals complex profiles confounding personal risk assessment in epilepsy.." Cell. 2011 Jun 24;145(7):1036-48. Pubmed PMID: 21703448
- McGuire AL, Oliver JM, Slashinski MJ, Graves JL, Wang T, Kelly PA, Fisher W, Lau CC, Goss J, Okcu M, Treadwell-Deering D, Goldman AM, Noebels JL, Hilsenbeck SG "To share or not to share: a randomized trial of consent for data sharing in genome research.." Genet. Med.. 2011 Nov;13(11):948-55. Pubmed PMID: 21785360
- Dulay MF, Levin HS, York MK, Li X, Mizrahi EM, Goldsmith I, Verma A, Goldman A, Grossman RG, Yoshor D "Changes in individual and group spatial and verbal learning characteristics after anterior temporal lobectomy.." Epilepsia. 2009 Jun;50(6):1385-95. Pubmed PMID: 18657174
- Goldman AM, Glasscock E, Yoo J, Chen TT, Klassen TL, Noebels JL "Arrhythmia in heart and brain: KCNQ1 mutations link epilepsy and sudden unexplained death.." Sci Transl Med. 2009 Oct 14;1(2):2ra6. Pubmed PMID: 20368164
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Faculty-at-large representative
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