About the Center
Founded in 2002, the Biology of Inflammation Center is dedicated to the support of translational immunology research at Baylor through a faculty that includes investigators from diverse fields with broad research interests within the field of immunology.
Center Activities
The Biology of Inflammation Center is involved with the following activities:
- A joint BIC/Department of Pathology & Immunology research seminar series offering lectures from local, national and international investigators in inflammatory disease
- Focused immunology journal clubs in which cutting-edge immunology research is intensively reviewed
- An annual joint BIC/Department of Pathology & Immunology scientific retreat
- Primary sponsorship of immunology research through pilot project programs and local grants to Baylor investigators
Endowment Support
The BIC is generously supported by local philanthropists who share a strong interest in inflammatory disease research and the training of the next generation of immunologists and immunological disease-focused clinician-scientists. Current BIC funds include:
- Arthritis Research Endowment
- Ann Harris Bellows Research Endowment Fellowship
- BIC Faculty Scholar Endowment
- Nancy Chang, Ph.D., Endowed Chair for the Biology of Inflammation Center (I)
- Nancy Chang, Ph.D., Endowed Chair for the Biology of Inflammation Center (II)
- Nancy Chang, Ph.D., Endowed Professorship for the Biology of Inflammation Center
- Shani Corbière Endowed Fund
- Cullen Trust for Health Care Endowed Chair in Immunology
- Linda and Ronny Finger Center on Lupus Research
- Dewitt H. and Esther B. Hotchkiss Memorial Endowment Fund
- C.N. and Mary V. Papadopoulos Charitable Fund
- Frances M. Wagner Endowment Fund