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Pediatrics - Emergency Medical Services for Children

Houston, Texas

BCM pediatricians care for children in various clinical and hospital environments.
Pediatrics - Emergency Medical Services for Children
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Model Pediatric Protocols

As referenced in this PPR Tool Kit, model pediatric protocols are protocols created through any combination of evidence-based and/or consensus-based protocol development processes. The prehospital pediatric protocols listed below include some protocols that have not been developed through rigorous evidence-based protocol development methods. For pediatric emergency care in the prehospital setting, evidence is often insufficient or non-existent and, therefore, the creation of protocols still too often relies on expert consensus and data translated from hospital-based research or anecdotal experiences. The Texas EMSC State Partnership makes every effort to assure that the PPR Tool Kit includes only model protocols created through a legitimate and thorough consensus-based process involving multi-disciplinary workgroups that include pediatric emergency medicine specialists, prehospital emergency medicine physicians, EMS providers, family/consumer representatives, research/data professionals, and others.

EMSC/NAEMSP Model Pediatric Protocols

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