Aortic Valve Operative Outcomes in Marfan Patients

A Multi-Center Study

The Marfan Foundation and Baylor College of Medicine are conducting the multicenter Aortic Valve Operative Outcomes in Marfan Patients study (AVOMP) to compare the outcomes of aortic valve-sparing versus valve-replacing procedures in individuals with Marfan syndrome. Recruitment into the study was closed in November of 2010.

The study is now in a follow-up data collection phase. In October 2014, the follow-up duration was extended for up to 20 years. Study sites invited the participants to continue their enrollment in the study and to be a part of the extended follow-up. The 20-year observation period will allow for the evaluation of the long-term durability of aortic valve repair and replacement procedures. The extended observation will provide valuable information for helping patients and doctors choose the appropriate surgical procedure, as well as the reduce reoperation risk.