
Weather Update

BCM Family Medicine on Kirby is without electrical power. Patients with appointments on Monday at this location will be moved to Baylor Medicine on the McNair Campus:  7200 Cambridge St, 7th floor, Suite 7B. Patients will be contacted. For questions, call 713-798-7700.

Baylor College of Medicine

Efficacy Trial of Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids for Hispanic Families (H-50011)



En español

Papás hispanos con niños de 5-11 años están invitados a participar en una prueba del programa Papas Saludables, Niños Saludables que promueve la alimentación saludable y estilos de vida activos. El programa será dirigido por el Colegio de Medicina de Baylor en un YMCA local. Hasta $180 en compensación.

Si está interesado, llame al (713) 798-0503 o escriba a healthydads@bcm.edu.

In English

Hispanic dads with children aged 5-11 are invited to participate in a test of the Papás Saludables, Niños Saludables program to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles. The program is run by Baylor College of Medicine at a local YMCA. Up to $180 in compensation.

If interested, call (713) 798-0503 or email healthydads@bcm.edu.

IRB: H-50011



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