Explore a diverse array of student-led organizations at BCM, where our community comes together to share common beliefs and interests. These student-created groups provide a dynamic platform for active participation and networking, fostering connections that extend beyond the classroom.
To explore the regularly updated list of active organizations, please click here.
Community/ Advocacy Groups
BCM student organizations dedicated to advocacy and community engagement
Identity/Affinity Groups
Our student organizations centered on identity/affinity
Student Life/Miscellaneous Groups
Student organizations centered on student life and miscellaneous interests
Specialty-Specific Interest Groups
Student organizations focused on specialties
Additional Student Activities
Student-led activities that are not official BCM student organizations
Student Organization Handbook
The Student Organization Handbook provides guidelines and policies for all officially recognized medical student organizations. Students are responsible for knowing all the information presented in this handbook.
Student Organization Updates
If you need to update an organization or add one to the lists, please complete this form.