Neurology: Case of the Month

Test Yourself — Patient 16

Lepromatous Neuropathy (Hansen's Disease)

  1. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding leprosy EXCEPT:
    • [ A ] Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae.
    • [ B ] The male to female ratio is 1:1 in adults.
    • [ C ] There is no ethnic or racial predominance.
    • [ D ] Occurs in all age groups.
  2. All of the following are among the cardinal features for the diagnosis of leprosy EXCEPT:
    • [ A ] Sensory loss
    • [ B ] Absent reflexes
    • [ C ] Thickened peripheral nerves
    • [ D ] Acid fast bacilli on biopsy or smear
  3. All of the following would be typical for symptoms of a patient with leprosy EXCEPT:
    • [ A ] Dysfunction in sweating
    • [ B ] Anesthesia of the plantar surfaces of the feet
    • [ C ] Dysfunction of temperature and light touch
    • [ D ] Painful and tender superficial nerves
  4. All of the following is true about Myobacterium leprae EXCEPT:
    • [ A ] Myobacterium leprae is a acid fast bacillus.
    • [ B ] Myobacterium leprae is taken up by histocytes in skin and invades the perineural and endothelial cells.
    • [ C ] Myobacterium leprae has a predilection for Schwann cells associated with heavily myelinated axons.
    • [ D ] Reservoirs for the bacillus are humans and animals, such as the armadillo.
  5. The following statement is TRUE regarding therapy for patients with leprosy:
    • [ A ] Monotherapy with dapsone is uniformly effective in the treatment of leprosy.
    • [ B ] Resistance to dapsone therapy is rarely seen.
    • [ C ] Treatment should be given for six months.
    • [ D ] Therapy of the erythema nodosum reaction usually includes prednisone or thalidomide.


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