
Weather Update

BCM Family Medicine on Kirby is without electrical power. Patients with appointments on Tuesday at this location will be moved to Baylor Medicine on the McNair Campus:  7200 Cambridge St, 7th floor, Suite 7B. Patients will be contacted. For questions, call 713-798-7700.

Baylor College of Medicine Alumni

Alumni Spotlight


Richard King, M.D., Ph.D. '02

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The groundbreaking achievements of Richard King, M.D., Ph.D., paved the way for others at Baylor College of Medicine. Read more about how Dr. King has taken lessons he learned at Baylor to help the next generation of underrepresented learners succeed in the health sciences field.

Robert Atmar, M.D. '81

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When native Texan, Robert Atmar, M.D., began his medical school journey, he did not know that Baylor's training would prepare him for the fight against the largest global health crisis of our time—the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stephen Greenberg, M.D. '72

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As a teenager, Dr. Stephen Greenberg was gifted a book about the history of physicians who made discoveries in infectious diseases. Although no one in his family was a physician, he always wanted to be a doctor as far back as he can remember. Within a handful of years, this opportune gift from his father inspired his decision to specialize in infectious diseases – the launchpad for Dr. Greenberg’s long and stellar career at Baylor College of Medicine and Ben Taub Hospital. 

Christopher Brann, M.D., M.B.A. '07

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Dr. Christopher Brann, internal medicine specialist at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center learned he had been exposed to COVID-19 in mid-March. He quarantined himself in a backyard tent. Read his story.

Jorge Coss-Bu, M.D. Fel. '99, Res. '01

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His dream as a young boy was to be a doctor. Yet, what Dr. Jorge Coss-Bu couldn't predict was a journey that would span two countries, entail two decades of medical training and require recurring visits to the U.S. Embassy to secure legal entry into the United States. Read his story.

Robert Wilson Crosthwait, Jr., M.D. '59

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The late Robert Wilson Crosthwait, Jr., M.D., graduated from Baylor with honors in 1959. Academics didn't always come easy to him, but Dr. Crosthwait's determination to succeed led him to complete a six-year cardiovascular and thoracic surgical residency under Drs. Denton Cooley and Michael DeBakey. To honor his legacy, his daughter established the Robert Wilson Crosthwait, Jr., Scholarship to support LGBTQ+ students and students with learning disabilities. Read his story.

Theresa Tran, M.D., M.B.A.,'13

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A daughter of immigrant parents, Dr. Theresa Tran merged the skills she learned during medical and business school in the emergency room to inspire the next generation of medical students.

J.T. Hutton, M.D., Ph.D. '72

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As a practicing neurologist, J.T. Hutton, M.D., Ph.D., understood the overwhelming challenge his patients faced to maintain their dignity as they lost brain and motor functions. They weren’t just patients. They were people with complex lives, hopes and dreams, and families who dearly loved them. Because of this, he felt compelled to write their tales. Before becoming a writer, though, Dr. Hutton first became a physician.  

Bill Miller, M.D. '78

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In the late 1950s and 1960s, the world’s heroes were astronauts.
Watching these brave pioneers of space set 8-year-old William F. Miller, M.D., on a life trajectory that would launch his career in medicine, engineering and piloting. As a native Houstonian, Baylor College of Medicine's local reputation for excellence and its role in growing the Texas Medical Center made it the ideal medical school. “Baylor was my first choice of medical school,” he said, “and it was highly competitive to get into.”

Richard Buller, M.D., Ph.D. '77

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Encountering a stranger who shapes the course of your life can be miraculous. Such an encounter happened to Richard Buller, M.D., Ph.D.’ 77, when he stepped into the office of Bert O’Malley, M.D., at Vanderbilt University in 1971. Dr. O’Malley accepted a position at Baylor College of Medicine and convinced Dr. Buller to join his lab. In his eyes, Baylor’s training opportunities were unparalleled. During his time at Baylor, he experienced hands-on training that influenced his education and ultimately his career. 


Do you know an alumni we should feature? Or are you an alumni that would like to share your story with us? Contact us at alumni@bcm.edu.