Baylor Eye Care
Our team of world-renowned ophthalmologists delivers a standard of eye care unmatched in our community. Services include diagnostic testing, visual field testing, laser correction vision, cataract surgery, cosmetic surgery of the eyelids and face, and more. We treat a wide range of eye conditions including cataracts, cornea and external disease, and dry eyes. In addition to providing elite care, our team is dedicated to advancing the science of vision and is focused on applying the latest research to improve eye care and treatment.
Through our Alkek Eye Center at Jamail Specialty Care Center in Houston, Texas, we offer exceptional clinical and surgical care, innovative and advanced treatment options based on the latest research, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
Eye Care Services and Procedures
Baylor Eye Care experts deliver effective and integrated services.
Eye Conditions
Ophthalmologists at Baylor Eye Care specialize in cataract, glaucoma, dry eye disease, macular degeneration, and much more. Learn more.
For Patients
Ophthalmology patient forms and information as well as general patient forms and information including insurance, pay online, billing, hotel/motel guide, customer service, privacy practices (HIPAA) and more.
Lions Eye Bank
Nearly a century of commitment to fighting for the correction and rehabilitation of sight-threatening conditions.