Department of Medicine

Safer Dx Team Awards


Team-wide Awards and Honors

  • 2016 Veterans Affairs HSR&D Health Systems Impact Award for significant policy and practice impact on patient safety and electronic health records-related work in the VA primary care setting.

Individual Team Member Honors and Awards

Hardeep Singh, M.D., M.P.H.

  • The 20th John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award by the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum (NQF) for Individual Lifetime Achievement 
  • 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Barack Obama 
  • Academy Health 2012 Alice S. Hersh New Investigator Award 
  • Executive Committee member, The Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthcare 2023 - Current 
  • Nominated member, National Academy of Medicine Board on Health Care Services 2020 - Current 
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Representative to the National Academy of Medicine’s Climate Collaborative 2022 - Current 
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Representative to the Federal Health Systems Learning Network for Climate Action 2023 - Current 
  • Work cited in PCAST Presidential Report “A Transformational Effort on Patient Safety” 
  • Member of Technical Expert Panel (TEP) for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Patient Safety Structural Measure 
  • Invited Expert. Fifth Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety. Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Montreux, Switzerland 
  • Invited Expert for the Drafting and Review Task Force, Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030, World Health Organization (WHO). Released and adopted by the WHO 
  • Invited Task Force Member, VA Sustainability Task Force (STF) 
  • Patient Safety Expert of the Year 2017 – Texas award, Corporate Vision Magazine
  • 2016 VA Health Systems Impact Award for significant policy and practice impact of patient safety and electronic health records-related work in the VA primary care setting
  • 2016 IMIA (International Medical Informatics Association) Yearbook of Medical Informatics selected the BMJ Quality and Safety paper, “Measuring and improving patient safety through health information technology: The Health IT Safety Framework,” as one of the best articles from the literature in Human Factors and Organization Issues’ subfield of medical informatics published in the past year.
  • Fulbright & Jaworski L. L. P. Faculty Excellence Award (Teaching and Evaluation), Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 2005.
  • Member, Baylor College of Medicine Academy of Distinguished Educators, Houston, Texas, 2005-present.
  • Outstanding Faculty Educator, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 2004−2005
  • Outstanding Faculty Educator, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 2003−2004

Dean Sittig, Ph.D.

  • 2022 Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (AMDIS) Award for Excellence, Outstanding Achievement and Special Recognition in Applied Medical InformaticsР
  • 2023 American Medical Association (AMIA) Don Eugene Detmer Signature Award for Health Policy Contributions in Informatics
  • 2013 International Medical Informatics Association Yearbook: Best Papers in Clinical Research Informatics for: A survey of informatics platforms that enable distributed comparative effectiveness research using multi-institutional heterogeneous clinical data.
  • Health Information Management and Systems Society – 2012 Book of the Year for Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: An Implementer’s Guide, Second Edition
  • 2012 Above & Beyond Award, The Monarch Institute, Houston, Texas
  • 2011, Elected to Fellowship in Healthcare Information & Management Systems Society
  • 2010 John P. McGovern Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
  • Houston Veteran’s Affairs Hospital: 2009 Outstanding Performance Improvement Activity Award – Second Place: ‘New Multidisciplinary Solutions to Address Follow-Up of Fecal Occult Blood Test Results’ – Patient Safety Center of Inquiry.
  • Health Information Management and Systems Society – 2009 Book of the Year for Improving Medication Use and Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Distinguished Paper Award at 2009 American Medical Informatics Association Fall Symposium for: Persistent Paper: The Myth of “Going Paperless”
  • Distinguished Paper Award at 2008 American Medical Informatics Association Fall Symposium for: A rapid assessment process for clinical informatics interventions
  • Second Prize – Best Paper Competition MedInfo – 2007 Brisbane, Australia for Exploring the Unintended Consequences of Computerized Physician Order Entry
  • Health Information Management and Systems Society – 2005 Book of the Year for Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support: An Implementer’s Guide

Traber Giardina, Ph.D., M.S.W

  • Graduate Fellowship, Center for Hazards Assessment, Response and Technology, 2003-2005
  • National Academies of Medicine Scholar in Diagnostic Excellence, 2021-2022
  • Health System Impact Award, 2016
  • Best Poster Presentation - "Learning from Patient Experiences Related to Diagnostic Errors Is Essential for Improving Patient Safety." 11th International Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference, 2018

Ashley N.D. Meyer, Ph.D.

Media Component
Ashley Meyer Early Career Research Award 2019
  • 2nd Annual Early Career IQuESt Faculty Research Award, 2019
  • Psychology Department Research Travel Award, Rice University, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
  • Graduate Fellowship, Rice University, 2006-2011
  • Norton Rose Fulbright Faculty Excellence Award in Educational Research, Baylor College of Medicine, 2021

Emporia State University

  • Graduate Student Teaching Assistantship, 2005-2006

Daniel R. Murphy, M.D., M.B.A

  • Recipient of "That's the Way" Award for patient satisfaction, 2018Comment from a patient I care for acknowledged as part of Patient Connect Patient Satisfaction program, 2019
  • Star Faculty Award for Excellence in Patient Care, 2020
  • Barry Goodfriend Outpatient Healer Award, General Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, 2021
  • VA National Health System Impact Award, Houston VA Patient Safety Center of Inquiry Team, November 2016
  • Best Oral Presentation. BCM Patient Quality & Safety Conference. May 15, 2014
  • Paul C. Boyle Award for Excellence in Student Research, University of Texas School of Biomedical Informatics, May 2011
  • First ever recipient of Patient Safety Innovations in Medical Residency Award, Jackson Memorial Hospital Internal Medicine Residency, June 2008
  • Academic Excellence Award, University of Miami School of Business, 2006
  • 3rd Place Teaching Radiology Exhibit, Association of University Radiologists Annual Mtg., 2004